Under the banner of the Radiant Sun, The Greater Heralds are oath-sworn never to reveal their faces as they crusade against the remnants of decaying magic and hunt the now mortal pantheon of Aghori Blood Gods. The exalted Greater Heralds of the 1st Legion carry Mercurial armor and weapons' that deaden magical effects. The life span of these fanatics are limited as mercurial armor and weapons cause madness over time.
Lighthaven is ruled by the Arch Bishop Ignatius. Ruler Supreme and sole channeler and bestower of the light. It is his connection alone that grants and empowers the Greater and Lesser Heralds. Arch Bishop Ingatius very rarely grants audience, and is never seen in public, instead spending his time hidden away deep in meditation and contemplation; the only way to hold control over the immense power that courses through his physical form.
The tiered city. The only entrance to its upper levels is through a rise in status or increase in nobility. Five tiers ascend the floating marvel known only as the rock, from which it’s built.
At ground level and within the cast shadows of the rock are the Slums. Notorious for it’s cut throats and thieves guilds. It is here one will find the Skaag rookeries, for the beasts are not permitted within the city proper.
A central lift is the cities most prominent feature and serves as the primary access between it’s levels. Reserved exclusively for nobility and permitted merchants.
It is whispered that hidden behind their estate walls forbidden rites are practiced amongst the noble houses as the cultists offer sacrifice and worship to the Old Ones. Street urchins are regularly lured by recruiters with the promise of silver and luxury to work the estates above, most never return to the Slums.
High up on a bare mountain plateau sits an ancient ziggurat city carved from the mountain rock upon which it sits. A labyrinthine system of booby-trapped passages and cave tunnels acts as the only entrance up to the plateau. It is here that all lineages of Armiger clans descend from.
A borderland stronghold and home to Forge Master Kragus Keeper of the First Forge. Famed and feared forger of Sentient haunted blades. The metal he uses for his blades comes from the Tomb Of The Metal Mage, located in the Mountains of Rust just south of the stronghold.
The vile city of flesh corrupt, built into the remains of a dying Aghori Blood God. Where all needs are satiated. Home to the Thaumaturgs and their creation Vats. Blood, flesh and addiction are the currency here, but beware you may not leave. The city is a prolific exploration of dark desires. Pushing the boundaries of the flesh and the ecstasies it can endure. It is here within the Flesh Parlors, Amanaya- the Goddess of Love is to be found. Pimped and poised, a tragedy of desire. Her addictions many. Slave to any- for a fix.Chained by the awakening of the flesh.It is here that the roaming blood towers return upon each new moon to satiate the cities hunger, and the foundry's meat production.
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