Saturday, November 19, 2022

Additional Campaign Spells

Harvested from Ruathain within the Fear Of Sorrows

Arctic Swarm
Level: 5
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: 20 mile radius
Save: No

Tiny, locust-like insects made of frost appear across
the landscape, consuming every edible food-stuff, plant
and defenseless game animal in the area of effect—even iron
rations. The creatures finish their work and dissolve in an hour.

Blizzard Beasts

Level: 3
Duration: 1round/caster level
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 10' x caster lvl radius
Save: No

Every enemy creature in the 
(necessarily snow-covered) area of
effect is confronted with a shambling and 
hostile version of themselves made of ice 
and snow. The doppelganger has the  same
 abilities but half the hit points and is effectively 
unarmored. The creatures begin to attack on
 the round the spell is cast.

Cold Winds of Funeral Dust
Level: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 40' cone
Save: vs Breath Weapon to dodge

When this spell is uttered, a fresh human or
humanoid corpse (dead within the hour) freezes
and then disintegrates into dust—these then blow
in a strong wind away from the caster. Whoever
the windborne dust touches must save vs Breath
Weapon or take damage equal to (caster level) x
(caster level).

Level: 9
Duration: Until concentration ends or Hell is empty
Range: 10'
Area of Effect: -
Save: No

Two frost demons under the caster’s control appear from the 
snow every round that the caster does nothing else but
concentrate. Frost demons are in most ways like drowning 
demons (see Drowning Demons) except they try to 
suffocate you in snow instead of drown you. 
They melt away at the next sunrise.

Frozen by Icewinds
Level: 2
Duration: See below
Range: 10'
Area of Effect: 50' cone
Save: vs Paralysis to negate

A chill wind blows, everyone who fails is frozen
in a sheath of ice until they make a Str check or
someone outside does (or melts the ice). The maxi-
mum HD of creatures that can be affected is equal
to the caster’s level.

Level: 2
Duration: 1d6 rounds
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Line of sight
Save: vs Magic to negate

Everyone visible must save or be blinded. Only
works in snow. A total HD of creatures equal to the
caster’s level may be affected.

Harvested From God Engines for Archanics
Orbix Link for Stitchers

Level: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: Touch

This spell causes a willing subject to instantly become
1dX years younger, with X being the level of the caster.
If the maximum effect occurs, it adversely affects the 
subject, resulting in the loss of an experience level as 
well (with experience points being set at the minimum 
for the new level). A Level 1 character will instead become
lobotomized, effectively no longer possessing an intellect 
at all. In either case, the character must then save versus 
Magic or de-age a further 2d6x2 years. A character that falls
to zero years of age becomes a fetus. A character that falls 
below zero years of age ceases to exist, as does all carried 
equipment and other peoples’ memories of that character, 
and all actions that character has ever performed are 
undone. If the Referee’s game includes Elves, this spell 
does not affect them.

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