Consider yourself Lucky when Lucky appears. A lone roaming merchant granted safe passage by all and revered by many. His whistled tunes lead him to the right place at the right time. He always seems to have what you need. And if he doesn't have it he can get it. A pure soul without a bad bone in his body. He is too trusting and comes off as childlike in his mannerisms and naivete. He only wishes to help and loves what he does, taking great joy in roaming the land and mapping it's features. Tips are greatly appreciated and may even bring good luck.
Lucky: The Traveling Merchant
AC: 13 (6)
Hit Dice: 1+1
Attacks: None (he doesn't believe in violence)
Special: Bad Luck
Move: 12
XP: 15
Lucky always carries a dozen items at any given time and is fully stocked on the essentials: Water, Rope, Rations, Lanterns, Torches, Cooking ware, medicines etc.
He also has a great passion for cartography, and maps of the land can be purveyed from him for the right price, as he doesn't like to part with his great works.
There is almost nothing Lucky cannot purvey and though it may take days, weeks, months, or even years, once a deal is struck Lucky always delivers.
Bad Luck: Should anyone rescind on their deal with Lucky, bad luck shall haunt them. And though Lucky has no control over fate he offers fare warning as it saddens him to know what is to come.
Many have struck deals with Lucky only to rescind upon delivery and gone on to suffer unseen financial hardship, ill health, the loss of home and loved ones and even execution for crimes not committed through false accusations readily believed.
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