The City of Temples is ground zero for the mysterious blazing column of light that descends from the sky, bathing the city’s largest central temple in a glorious luminescence, permeating the entire city in blinding divine light. It is here the Lesser Heralds of the 2nd Legion and the Greater Heralds of the 1st Legion are based. Only the ordained are permitted within the walls. All touched by the light posses albino features, their faces hidden behind masks that shield their eyes. These are the Light Born.
Under the banner of the Radiant Sun, The Greater Heralds are oath-sworn never to reveal their faces as they crusade against the remnants of decaying magic and hunt the now mortal pantheon of Aghori Blood Gods. The exalted Greater Heralds of the 1st Legion carry Mercurial armor and weapons' that deaden magical effects. The life span of these fanatics are limited as mercurial armor and weapons cause madness over time.
Lighthaven is ruled by the Arch Bishop Ignatius. Ruler Supreme and sole channeler and bestower of the light. It is his connection alone that grants and empowers the Greater and Lesser Heralds. Arch Bishop Ingatius very rarely grants audience, and is never seen in public, instead spending his time hidden away deep in meditation and contemplation; the only way to hold control over the immense power that courses through his physical form.
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