Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hardcover Campaign is now in the works.

So work is slowly underway on the ALMOST Campaign setting I had previously finished for release but then lost when my computer got hacked and crashed.

I have slowly been chipping away at it with what very little free time I have, and it will surface at some point. I already have a finished commissioned cover as well as about a dozen pieces of interior art.

It will be a hardcover for OD&D/White Box with a later release for The Black Hack. It will include new classes/spells original creatures and horrors as well as rules for flesh crafting and grafting.

It will be released by Bad 4 Reality Games with a date TBA.

I will also be releasing it into creative commons for others to create material for and have already received about a half a dozen submissions I need to review and edit.

For now here is a peek at the cover for now.

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Hardcover Campaign is now in the works.

So work is slowly underway on the ALMOST Campaign setting I had previously finished for release but then lost when my computer got hacked an...